Altars: Divination

For my divination altar, I use a blue and gold cloth that I wove. For the Sacred Fire, I have a candle burner. I use an abalone shell for offerings and to burn incense in. For divining, I have three large crystals of celestite, kyanite, and labradorite.

Before laying out the altar, I purify myself by washing my hands and the area by sprinkling water. Then I arrange the altar and put on my divination stole. Sitting quietly, I collect myself and focus on my intent to do divining.

Afterwards, I light the candle and ask for inspiration from the Sacred Fire. Making an offering of incense in the bowl, I welcome energy and inspiration at my altar. (“I ignite the spirit of my practice, and welcome warmth, transformation, and energy into this space.” (Note 1)) I put my hands over the crystals and charge them to open the spaces between the worlds. I consecrate the altar as a center for my divination by saying “May my divining be fair and true.”

After doing the divination, I thank each of the crystals and the altar for allowing the sacred space to be. Then I make an offering of incense to thank the Sacred Fire for being the vertical axis between the worlds. Finally, I thank all of those present for their grace and wisdom. Putting out the candle, I sit quietly before storing my tools.

In my practice, I use the spiritual model of magic. I have developed deep connections with the Holy Powers through ritual, prayers, and offerings. In addition, I have devotions to the various Gods of Divination. Therefore, my natural way of structuring spells is to do so with the Holy Powers in mind.

My experiences with altars are that they are liminal spaces between the Worlds. The consecrated altar is alive as an entity, while the unconsecrated one is simply a collection of objects. The altar then becomes a holy place for meeting the Sacred Powers. Since my magic is spiritual in nature, I see the altar as the meeting place between me and those Powers.


Note 1. From the Wizardry 100 Consecration Ritual written by Headmaster Nicholas Kingsley of the Grey School of Wizardry.

Works Used:

Greer, John Michael, “The New Encyclopedia of the Occult.” Woodbury (MN): Llewellyn. 2003.
Mankey, Jason and Laura Tempest Zakroff, “The Witch’s Altar.” Woodbury (MN): Llewellyn. 2021.
Michelle, Heron, “Elemental Witchcraft.” Woodbury (MN): Llewellyn. 2021.
Thompson, David, “High Magick 101.” Self-published. 2021.
Zell-Ravenheart, Oberon, “Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard.” New Page Books: Franklin Lakes (NJ). 2004.

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