Now the Journeyman Wizard applies their knowledge to draw a new map. They develop the wisdom to know the seen and unseen, and in seeing through both. The Journeyman Wizard learns to restore balance in themselves and with others. As a Wizard, they bring restoration to the Cosmos. The Journeyman practices what they have learned, testing limits wherever possible.

I think that the Journeyman phase could be likened to the White Phase of Alchemy. The purified essences of the Apprentice are released and separated. Then the opposing parts are joined and transformed. If this fails to produce a new person, then the process starts over. The Journeyman tries and retries until they have accomplished their goal. It can be the longest phase since the Wizard is refining their skills.

The final phase is the Master. In Alchemy, this is the Red Phase, the final steps in creating the Philosopher’s Stone, the Greater Stone. (The White Phase creates the Lesser Stone.) For the Journeyman to become the Master, they need to complete the Lesser Stone first. Upon completing the White Phase, the Journeyman Wizard will be able to discern what is needed to achieve mastery of the Greater Stone.

In Freemasonry, the Master Mason has the “cosmic responsibility to lead the way.” The Master Mason has the duty to continue building on the sacred teachings. Like the Adept Alchemist, the Master Mason has been tested and purified. They now understand the Mysteries of the Universe.

This is not the end for the Wizard, since the Master Wizard now manages and directs the directions of Wizardry. Understanding the Spiritual Laws of the Universe, the Master teaches others. In traditional Wicca, the Third-degree Witches are expected to hive off and to form new covens. These witches have experienced and understood the intense combination of spiritual and physical energies of their practices.
I think that a Master Wizard might seem to know everything. However, they only know what they seek to know and understand only what they can. But the Master knows that things are always in flux. Therefore, they retain the Apprentice mind to be open to learning new things, and the Journeyman mind to hone what they learned. Later, the Master teaches the new knowledge.

Works Used:
Clark, Natalia, “Pagan Portals – Baba Yaga Slavic Earth Goddess.” Alresford (UK): John Hunt Publishing. 2021.
Collinson, Kevin, “Spiritual Dragon Wizardry”, Web.
Hall, Manly, “The Lost Keys of Freemasonry. (1923)” E-book. OK Publishing. 2019.
—, “What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of its Disciples. (1925).” E-book. Philosophical Research Society. 1982.
Hauck, Dennis, “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Alchemy.” New York: Penguin. 2008.
Michelle, Heron, “Elemental Witchcraft.” Woodbury (MN): Llewellyn. 2021.
Snavel, Deborah, “Degrees, Guilds and Initiation into the Wicca,” Raise the Horns with Jason Mankey, (November 4, 2014). Web.
Stimpson, Ben, “Ancestral Whispers.” Woodbury (MN): Llewellyn. 2023.

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