Hlin: Protector, Handmaid of Frigga

At her hall of Fensalir, Frigga, the Norse All-Mother, has twelve Handmaidens (Note 1) or ladies-in-waiting to attend to Her. Not much is known about who these Handmaidens were since the Lore is scanty about Norse Goddesses in general. Much of what is known today is by Group Verified Gnosis.

Hlin (In Brief)
Frigga asks Hlin to protect those who She wishes to save. Hlin gives refuge to the fugitive since She, Herself, could not save Balder, Frigga’s son. For that reason, this Goddess also comforts those who mourn.

In the Gylfaginning, Snorri Sturluson write, “Hlin, who guards those men whom Frigg wants to protect from any danger. Hence is the saying that he hlins who is forewarned.” This Goddess protects people and gives safe haven to the refugee. Since her name means “help” or “refuge,” Hlin keeps the fugitive from harm.

Armored with a shield, Hlin carries a weapon. On the battlefield, She leads the women and children to safety. Unafraid, Hlin ensures the well-being of the non-combatants. To escape peril, a desperate person can call upon this Goddess. Because of this, Hlin is grouped with the other protective Goddesses – Snorta, Syn, Var, and Vor (all Handmaidens of Frigga).

Another aspect of Hlin pictures Her with a long dark veil, since She is also a Goddess of Solace in times of sorrow. In the Voluspa, Hlin could not rescue Odin at Ragnarok. This is her “second sorrow,” the first being the death of Balder, who is Frigga’s Son. Because of this, the Goddess will guide people through their grieving.
“Then is fulfilled Hlín’s second sorrow,
when Óðinn goes to fight with the wolf,
and Beli’s slayer, bright, against Surtr.
Then shall Frigg’s sweet friend fall.”

Hlin offers protection and comfort. She saves those whom She can. For those who She cannot, Hlin offers solace to the survivors.

Note 1. Saga (seer), Eir (healer), Gefjun (unmarried girls), Fulla (plenty), Sjofn (love), Lofn (forbidden love), Var (oaths), Vor (wisdom), Syn (truth), Hlin (protector), Snorta (diplomacy), Gna (travelers).

“Hlin” is by Grace D. Palmer

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